

20.11.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Borealis: Price increases of its polypropylene based products for European automotive and appliances businesses

Borealis ( announced shortly that it will increase the price of its polypropylene based products used in automotive and appliances applications in Europe by 50 EUR/per tonne as of 1st January, 2007. The increase comes on top of the future price development of propylene.

“Feedstock, energy and transportation costs have continued to increase throughout 2006 which have only been partly passed through the value chain. We will continue to focus on value creation through innovation for our customers and deliver solutions to meet our customers long term needs.” according to Paul Turner, Vice President Business Unit Engineering Applications, Borealis.

Borealis AG, Wien/Österreich

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