

10.03.2009 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

SKZ: International Seminar - 'Plastics Injection Moulding'

Are you implementing best practices for cost effective injection moulding?

Join the leading experts during Plastics Injection Moulding MENA from 26 to 27 May 2009 at Radisson SAS hotel in Dubai and learn how to tackle the targets of improvement and productivity.


Cost reduction and quality improvement are the main driving forces in injection moulding industry especially during tough economic times. It is essential to meet the continuously growing quality standards and statutory requirements with at the same time developing competition.

"With regard to the increasing demand for plastics and spreading markets in the Middle East and North Africa, we would like to share our longstanding experience and help raising the skills and knowledge of the professionals working in the plastics industry", says Mr. Harald Huberth, Managing Director of SKZ ConSem GmbH.

SKZ is the biggest service provider to the plastics branch in Europe as regards certification, testing, research and further education (

This seminar updates injection moulding technology, polymers developments, mould technology, automation systems, innovative cooling systems and new solutions for special applications.

Venue: Radisson SAS Dubai Deira

Date: 26 May-27 May 2009

Programme download:

Your contact at SKZ:
Mrs. Irina Bender
SKZ - ConSem GmbH
Frankfurter Straße 15 - 17
97082 Würzburg /Germany
+49 931 4104-164/-436
+49 931 4104-227/-274

SKZ-ConSem GmbH, Würzburg, Germany

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