

18.06.2004 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Recycled plastic bottles into truck panels

Scientists at Loughborough University ( have helped transform thousands of recycled plastic bottles and other waste into new lightweight panelling for trucks.

Researchers in the University’s Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering (IPTME) have helped develop foam-filled panels for use in the bodywork of large commercial vehicles, which weigh 60 percent less then the traditional plywood panels currently used. This means lorries made with the new material will use less fuel or can carry a greater payload, reducing the amount of journeys needed to transport goods and helping businesses to save money.


The pioneering environmentally friendly product, called Panelplus, has been developed using funding from the Waste and Resource Action Programme (WRAP, and in partnership with Rothley-based technology transfer company Europrojects Ltd.

Around £500,000 has been ploughed into the two-year study, aimed at dramatically increasing the amount of plastic waste recycled in the UK over the next five years. It is now hoped the new lightweight panels will be used on a wide range of vans and trucks.

Loughborough University, Leicestershire/UK

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