

04.02.2002 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

GPEC 2002 - Global Plastics Environmental Conference

Questions loom on the horizon for concerned members of the plastics industry - specifically those companies promoting an environmental focus. In a tough economy, as margins shrink and cash flow slows, the questions remain - how can plastics and environmentalism create a mutually successful and profitable marriage. The conference GPEC 2002 - Global Plastics Environmental Conference, February 13-14, 2002, Marriott Renaissance Center Detroit, MI/USA, is a chance to take a snapshot of the industry today and set goals for the future.

The theme of this technical conference is "Plastics Impact on the Environment." The tracks that are planned are Environmental Technologies, Global Legal Issues, Biodegradable Materials, Tires, Automotive, Effects on the Environment, Measuring of Odor of Recycled Materials, Electronics and Recycling of Vinyl, SMC, BMC and Packaging.


More information:,

GPEC 2002, Detroit, MI/USA

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