Die Suche nach diesem Unternehmen brachte 79 Treffer.

61 bis 75 von 79 News « 3456»
07.01.2009 - Am 28. Dezember 2008 ist die Dow Chemical (www.dow.com) mündlich von Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC, www.kpc.com.kw) und Petrochemicals Industries Company (PIC, www.pic.com.kw) darüber informiert worden, dass das Kuwait Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC) seine frühere Genehmigung für das geplante 50-50...


Für verstärkte technische Kunststoffe ausgelegt sind externe Nadelverschluss-Endringe für Tp- und Vp-Düsen sowie ein Through The Cavity Endring für Tp-Düsen von Oerlikon HRSflow. Dank hoher Verschleißfestigkeit ermöglichen sie das Wiederanfahren bei reduzierten Temperaturen, was den Materialabbau reduziert.
17.03.2008 - Die PetroChina Fushun Petrochemical Company hat die UNIPOL™ Polypropylen-Verfahrenstechnik der Dow (www.dow.com) für ihre neue 300 kta Polypropylen-Anlage ausgewählt. Aker Kvaerner wird das erweiterte Prozess-Design-Paket und die technische Beratung stellen. Die Anlage wird in Fushun, Provinz Liaoning,...


Der Geräuschpegel in einer Kunststoffverarbeitung wird von zahlreichen Lärmquellen verursacht. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Materialhandling sind zwei wesentliche Lärmquellen zu nennen: die Vakuum­erzeu­ger und die Förderleitungen. Messungen der Schall­druckpegel ergeben vielfach Werte um 80 dB(A)...
22.03.2007 - Effective April 1, 2007, or as contract terms allow, Dow (www.dow.com) will increase prices in Europe by 60 Euros per metric ton for all grades of its low-density polyethylene (LDPE) resins and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) resins, DOWLEX™ polyethylene resins, ATTANE™ ultra low density polyethylene...
28.02.2007 - Given the continued increase of raw materials and energy costs and the sustained pressure on margins, Dow Europe GmbH (www.dow.com) is announcing a price increase across the European and the Middle-Eastern region for all its Polycarbonate products. Effective March 1st 2007, or as contract terms allow,...
01.02.2007 - Effective 1 February 2007, or as contract terms allow, Dow Epoxy (www.dow.com) will increase the price for its D.E.R.™ 300 series epoxy blends (based on Bisphenol F) by 150 Euro / MT in Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Indian Subcontinent. Customers interested in learning more about the price...
24.01.2007 - Effective February 1, 2007, or as contract terms allow, Dow (www.dow.com) will increase prices in Europe by 60 Euros per metric ton for all grades of its low-density polyethylene (LDPE) resins and high -density polyethylene (HDPE) resins, DOWLEX™ polyethylene resins, ATTANE™ ultra low density polyethylene...
04.09.2006 - Dow continues to encounter high raw material and energy costs with respect to Styrenic Copolymers, while demand remains strong. Dow Europe GmbH is announcing a price increase of 150 Euro/MT for Styrenic Copolymers, including MAGNUM™ ABS and TYRIL™ SAN across Europe and the Middle East. This will be...
28.07.2006 - Due to continued increases in raw material prices, Dow will raise prices for all STYROFOAMTM EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE FOAM products across Europe, effective September 1, 2006. "The current pricing of STYROFOAMTM products does not allow for sufficient margins due to continued increases in key raw material...
25.07.2006 - Raw material and energy costs related to the production of polyethylene have reached unprecedented levels. At the same time, Dow continues to experience strong demand for polyethylene resins. Based on these conditions, Dow Europe GmbH is announcing a price increase across the European region for all...
09.05.2006 - Dow Chemical (www.dow.com) will raise prices for all STYROFOAM* EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE products across Europe due to continued increases in raw materials. The current pricing of STYROFOAM products does not allow for sufficient margins due to continued increases in raw materials. Based on this situation,...
28.04.2006 - Rising raw material and energy costs for polyethylene and polystyrene production are placing pressure on polyethylene and polystyrene resins producers. Based on these conditions, Dow Europe GmbH is announcing further price increase across the European region for all polyethylene and polystyrene resins....
26.08.2005 - Supply for polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene remains tight due to strong demand for Dow resins globally from converters, while high raw material and energy costs continue to pressure Dow margins. Based on this situation, Dow Europe GmbH is announcing a price increase across the European region...
23.08.2005 - Given the continued upward movement in the prices of raw material and energy costs, coupled with a sustained pressure on margins, Dow Europe GmbH (www.dow.com) is announcing a price increase across the European region for its Styrenic Copolymers. Dow Europe will increase prices of its MAGNUM™ ABS...
22.04.2005 - Dow Europe hat angekündigt seine Preise für Polyethylen zum 1. Mai um 70 EUR/t anzuheben. Betroffen sind alle PE-LD und PE-HD Typen sowie die Polyethylen-Werkstoffe der Marken DOWLEX™, ATTANE™, ELITE™ und ASPUN™. Begründet wird die Preiserhöhung mit der gestiegenen Nachfrage und den anhalten hohen...
22.12.2004 - Die Dow Europe GmbH (www.dow.com) hat angeküdigt zum 1. Januar 2005 die Preise für alle PRIMACOR Copolymere um 120 Euro/to anzuheben. PRIMACOR Copolymere sind eine Produktgruppe von Specialpolyolefinen für anspruchsvolle Verpackungsanwedungen.
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