

18.05.2005 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Norway: Best result ever for plastic packaging recycling in 2004

Plastretur AS ( is responsible for developing and organizing recovery and recycling of plastic packaging in Norway. The recovery schemes are financed through a licence fee paid by all companies that use plastic packaging.

The final numbers show that 24% of plastic packaging used in Norway was recycled in 2004. (This number does not include drinking bottles). In addition 57% was energy recovered. This adds up to totally 81% recovery for 2004. Plastreturs target is to reach 30% recycling and 50% energy recovery within 2008.


In 2004 28.300 tons of plastic packaging was recycled, compared to 24.400 tons in 2003. All together 32.600 tons of plastic packaging was sorted at source in 2004. 17.200 tons originated from trade and industry, 7.300 tons from agriculture, 5.700 tons from households and 2.400 tons from fish farming. The largest growth came from the households (1.100 tons and agriculture (700 tons).

If we divide the 32.600 tons into plastic packaging fractions, plastic film alone was 17.800 tons (increased by 1.900 tons compared to 2003). Of this plastic film from trade and industry represented 9.900 tons. The second largest fraction is feedstock, 4.300 tons, mixed plastic packaging collected from households. Third largest fraction was energy from trade and industry, 4.300 tons, PP big bags 3.600 tons, reuse 2.000 tons and rigid plastics 800 tons. Except from reuse all fractions show growth.

For EPS (Expanded polystyrene) the recycling target for Norway is 50%. In 2004 Plastretur reached 33%, i.e. 1.600 tons, a small decrease from 2003. For packaging that has contained hazardous waste (oil, chemicals, paint etc) there are no fixed targets. The collection of this packaging is increasing nicely, and has been well received by Norwegian enterprises.

Norwegian business is increasingly positive to participate in Plastretur´s system by signing membership in Materialretur. In 2004 licence fee was paid for 87 844 tons of plastic packaging, i.e. 5.500 tons increase compared to 2003. There are now 1.876 companies paying licence fee for plastic packaging. Several of these companies have also signed for a control membership, which mean that the demand that their deliverers pay licence fee for the packaging they use.

Plastretur AS, Oslo, Norway

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