

13.03.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Rhodia Polyamide: Price increase for PA announced

Rhodia Polyamide ( announces a worldwide 120 Euro/per ton price increase for its STABAMID® Polyamide resins and salt and TECHNYL® Polyamide PA6 and PA 6,6 compounds effective immediately.

On top of high global demand, raw material, energy and transportation costs continue to increase significantly. “This trend will persist, therefore a price increase for our resins and intermediates becomes inevitable”, explains Gilles Grenier Vice-President Intermediates and Polymers of Rhodia Polyamide.


“Should the industry continue to be exposed to rising energy costs over the next few months further price increases cannot be ruled out,” concluded Jean Claude Steinmetz, Vice-President Engineering Plastics of Rhodia Polyamide.

STABAMID® is a registered trademark of Rhodia.

Rhodia Polyamide, St. Fons, France

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