

28.10.2011, 06:00 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

AMI: New report on wood plastic compounds

Growth in the European wood plastic composites (WPC) market has been averaging 25% a year despite the recent tough economic conditions and a sharp decline in construction output. Demand in Europe is no longer driven by imports from the US and Asia, but by strong established European producers. The market is attractive and has space for new entrants.

These findings are revealed in the new in-depth study on the market from AMI Consulting. The study is a comprehensive review of supply and demand segmented by geography, application and where possible by producer too. The report also analyses the success, strategy and financial performance of Europe’s wood-plastic composite producers in detail. For the most successful producers EBITDA returns in 2010 were an attractive 25%. 15-20 producers across the EU-25 region are profiled, with details on sales, products and annual revenue.


WPC producers are well down the track of defining products of a quality that buyers want, at prices that they can afford. Marketing propositions are getting much clearer and the range of applications served is on the verge of becoming significantly broader. The outlook in this unusual segment remains rosy.

More information:

Applied Market Information Ltd., Bristol, UK

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