07.09.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten |
[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]
Assocompositi is the Italian Industry Association for Composite Materials. Its mission is to promote the knowledge and use of composite materials in Italy in every possible industrial application and to activate synergies and promote actions at the international level. Assocompositi is member of the European Industry Composite Association (EuCIA) and of FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies). Assocompositi is also partner of the Italian Rubber and Plastic Federation. Through this co-operation Assocompositi is now able to offer to its members the development of the following services:
Assocompositi has currently 50 industrial members and is actively involved in increasing the information flow between industry, research centres and universities at both national and international level. A second important action is to promote the participation of Italian industries to international projects, such as European research projects or the development of new international standards and to participate to national and international events, such as exhibitions and/or conferences. Assocompositi issues technical publications on composites applications. So far we have issued the volume named “COKIT”, focused on FRP use in buildings, a DVD series on composites technologies for nautical applications and guidelines on glassfiber pipes’ joints. The Association also participates to many Italian normative work groups. More Information: www.assocompositi.it Composites Europe 2010, 14.-16.9.2010, Essen, Hall 10-11, St. G03 |
Assocompositi, Milano, Italy
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