

01.06.2017, 15:20 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

PlasticsEurope: Daniele Ferrari zum neuen Präsidenten gewählt

Daniele Ferrari - (Bild: PlasticsEurope).
Daniele Ferrari - (Bild: PlasticsEurope).
Daniele Ferrari, CEO of Versalis (Eni), has been elected President of PlasticsEurope, succeeding Patrick Thomas, CEO of Covestro, who held this office since 2011. Mr Ferrari was elected by PlasticsEurope’s General Assembly, on 1 June in Madrid.

Daniele Ferrari paid tribute to his predecessor, praising his efficient and effective chairmanship, and for his instrumental support in developing the World Plastics Council, a platform that brings together strong, committed plastics industry leaders from around the world to address the complex global issues faced by the plastics industry.

"I am very excited to take on this new responsibility and to continue the path Patrick Thomas has established in these past six years. Our industry needs to further develop partnerships based on a constructive and solution-oriented approach”, said Daniele Ferrari. "If we are serious about creating solutions for the world’s challenges, we need an open-minded industry that acts together with NGOs, the value chain and general public because we do and we will need plastics to be part of the solution.”


Daniele Ferrari has over 25 years of experience in the chemical industry through a variety of business. He worked for Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) and Huntsman in several managerial assignments in marketing, planning and business management from the UK, Brussels and Houston, Texas. In 2012, Daniele Ferrari was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Versalis and Chairman of Matrìca, the 50:50 joint venture with Novamont on renewable chemistry.

Weitere Informationen:

PlasticsEurope, Brüssel, Belgien

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