

12.12.2002 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

Petcore announces new Technical Committee Chairman

Mr Karel Wendl of the Packaging and Retail Equipment Innovation Department of Coca-Cola Europe, Eurasia and Middle East has been nominated Chairman of the Petcore ( Technical Committee.

In his 10 years with Coca-Cola, Mr Wendl has been extensively involved in the development of PET recycling technologies such as reclaimed PET flake detection and selection and the fine-tuning of CYCLEPET, Coca-Cola’s recycled PET bottles programme.


A member of Petcore’s Technical Committee for the last 3 years, Mr Wendl welcomed his election to chairmanship.

"The PET bottle as a packaging solution offers consumer convenience, extensive room for innovation and development today and for the future, as well as the potential for brand differentiation” he says. The he goes on: “Companies like mine take a serious and responsible view on PET bottle recycling. As a Petcore member, we will continue to support and foster existing as well as new technically feasible and economically viable PET bottle recycling technologies. The goal should be to widen the spectrum of PET bottle recycling technologies for an increasing variety of different PET packaging in the European market place, including those technologies offering opportunities for an increasing use of recycled PET in packaging applications. I believe that with this focus we can create sustainable market opportunities for PET packaging."

Petcore, Brüssel

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