

06.04.2021, 15:59 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

IVK Europe: Marina Arz is new Managing Director

Marina Arz, IVK Europe Managing Director - (Photo: IVK).
Marina Arz, IVK Europe Managing Director - (Photo: IVK).
Marina Arz has been appointed as the new Managing Director of IVK Europe, the European Association of Plastic Films and Sheets. She took up her new position on April 1st 2021.

Before she joined the German Federal Parliament in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as advisor on European affairs and domestic policy, Marina worked in the European Commission’s‚ Chief Economist Team‘ in Directorate-General GROW in 2018.

Marina succeeds Karin Arz, who has retired from IVK Europe after 21 years serving the interests of the thermoplastic converting industry in Europe.

Marina says: “I am looking forward to addressing the challenges of our sector, in particular helping to resolveplastic waste issues, as well as demonstrating the ability and value of our materials to contribute positively to society. With IVK Europe’s involvement in the work of the Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) we will contribute in a responsible and sustainable way to the targets of this European initiative.”


About IVK Europe
IVK Europe represents the common interests of companies producing sheets made of plastic and caoutchouc for a multitude of applications. The focus of the organization's work is on pursuing the interests for the material PVC and its substitutes. IVK Europe’s 19 company members create an annual turnover of close to 4.8 billion euro and more than 12,000 jobs. IVK Europe actively supports the work of the Circular Plastics Alliance and works closely together with “VinylPlus”, the Voluntary Commitment for sustainable development of the European PVC industry.

More information:

Industrieverband Kunststoffbahnen e.V. - IVK Europe, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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