

06.11.2001 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

Separating Centrifuge for Plastics Recycling

Foma Engineering (Plutoweg 13, NL-8913 AC Leeuwarden, Tel. +31/58/288-5555, Fax +31/58/288-6938, introduced during the K'2001 a separating centrifuge that facilitates the recycling of plastics. As is pointed out, plastics recycling is often limited by the quality of the re-granulate. The CENTREC makes it possible to separate a mixture of plastic material into two fractions, of which one fraction is at least 99.5 percent clean. This accuracy allows this fraction to be re-used in high-value applications. The design is based on a sink-float technique in a centrifugal field, which requires a density difference of the plastic that needs to be separated. The throughput of the equipment is specified as at least 1.000 kg/h on granulate, with foil material handled at approximately 600 kg/h. The costs for separation of the mixture using the centrifuge are quoted as 0.05 to 0.15 EURO per kilogram.

Foma Engineering, Leeuwarden/Niederlande

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